Advanced Flyers, located at the Palo Alto airport, is a new flight training center focused on providing modern aircraft and simulators to make flying safer, more affordable and fun.
We currently have a full-motion (3-axis) simulator with wrap-around screens, to teach VFR and IFR navigation, procedures and emergency handling.
Our Mission
Working Together
We're a community of pilots (students and licensed), aircraft owners, flight instructors and people with a passion for aviation.
By working together on common goals, we will:
Help aviation enthusiasts pursue their flying passion
Ensure the highest standards of safety are followed
Delight customers with excellent service
Provide affordable training and membership options
Provide high-quality equipment and facilities
Provide a variety of training aircraft and instructors
Maintain a fun and friendly atmosphere
Help spread aviation knowledge and passion
If at any time you believe there needs improving in any of the above areas, please let us know and we'll do our best to make things better.
Thank you for your continued membership!
-- Management
Management Team
We take great care to provide our members with excellent service and a high quality, smooth running operation. Our collective team has decades of experience in operating aircraft and flying clubs. Whenever you have questions or need assistance, we'll be glad to help.
Office Facilities
You'll love our club office, with ample parking, a sleek modern look, plenty of computers for weather briefings or entertainment, waiting lounge, spacious conference room, instruction rooms, break room and restrooms. Fast, free wireless internet connectivity is also provided.