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Del Sol Aviation

flight training

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Our flight instruction staff consists of highly motivated flight instructors who are FAA certified.  Our Flight instructors are professional, approachable, flexible and service orientated with a commitment to start a new tradition for quality flight training with personalized attention for each and everyone of our clients.  At Del Sol Aviation you will receive a level of training that is unobtainable at smaller area airports in the region.

Our mission is to help you achieve your aviation ambitions. We can help you learn to fly, obtain re-currency, earn credits towards a degree, or become a commercial pilot while offering a selection of safe, fun and reliable aircraft for rent or instruction.

Company Profile
Name: Del Sol Aviation Type: Enterprise unit (Traders,Service provider)
Location: USA Size:
Capital: Not filled Date: 1999
Deposit: Paid 0.00 $
Biz model: Traders,Service provider
Biz Scope: flight training
Major Biz:
Aviation school
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