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Gran-Aire, Inc.

Flight Training, Aircraft Maintenance, Aircraft Rental

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In 1946 Gran-Aire began flight operations at Curtiss Wright Field which is now known as Lawrence J. Timmerman airport. When the business opened the airport area was not yet part of Milwaukee. Back then it was part of a small town called Granville. That’s wher the Gran in Gran-Aire came from. One of the many aviation services offered by the business was a flight school. The flight school has been in continuous operation since 1946 making it one of the oldest and most respected flight schools in the state of Wisconsin.

All training is conducted on an individual basis tailored to your schedule. Lessons can be scheduled seven days a week, 365 days a year. We look forward to providing you with the opportunity to join the thousands of pilots who have received their training at Gran-Aire!

Company Profile
Name: Gran-Aire, Inc. Type: Enterprise unit (Service provider)
Location: USA Size:
Capital: Not filled Date:
Deposit: Paid 0.00 $
Biz model: Service provider
Biz Scope: Flight Training, Aircraft Maintenance, Aircraft Rental
Major Biz:
Aviation school Aircraft Charter Aircraft Maintenance
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