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Jackson Square Aviation (JSA) is a full-service aircraft leasing company based in San Francisco, with offices in Dublin, Toulouse, Singapore, and Beijing. The management team, which had previously worked together at Pegasus Aviation Finance Company, has over 100 years of combined industry experience. Led by the experienced aircraft leasing duo of Toby Bright and Scott Weiss, the team has collectively acquired over US$14 billion of aircraft, purchased or remarketed over 400 aircraft, and has established relationships with over 50 commercial lenders and investment banks throughout Europe, Asia, North America, and the Middle East.
In August of 2012, Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Company Limited (MUL) signed a purchase agreement to acquire all of JSA’s shares. JSA became a group company of MUL on January 11, 2013. This transaction had been agreed to and announced publicly on October 4, 2012. MUL is a prominent global leasing company headquartered in Tokyo, and is a leading leasing company in Japan by assets. Incorporated in April 1971, MUL has responded to increasingly diverse customer needs by expanding into a variety of business domains, as well as its core lease and financing business.
On November 1, 2014, JSA combined its assets and operations with Jackson Square Aviation Ireland (JSAI), a narrowbody-focused operating lessor based in Dublin, Ireland. JSAI, originally MUL Aviation Capital Limited (MULAC), is now a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of JSA International Holdings L.P., the parent company of JSA. Established in 2012, JSAI is located in Dublin and consists of a team of aviation professionals.
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