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South Florida CFI, LLC

Flight Training, Aviation Services

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South Florida CFI, LLC has formally became an official flight school and company in August 2014 but the founder of the flight school, Jarrett Iovine, has been instructing independently for a year before that as well as instructing at other flight schools. It was his idea to form a new kind of flight school, one that would focus on each individual students’ needs instead of a standardization or strict curriculum. The goal and mission is simple – enjoy every single flight to the fullest!

Every flight instructor that bears the title of South Florida CFI is passionate about what they do. Top quality flight instruction and developing a true one on one relationship with the student is the mission statement of the company and as mentioned already, every flight should be enjoyable. Flying is expensive, whether it is a hobby or studying for a career, the student should feel that they had a great time every step of the way. Get started with us today by calling 561-989-4938!

Company Profile
Name: South Florida CFI, LLC Type: Enterprise unit (Service provider)
Location: USA Size:
Capital: Not filled Date:
Deposit: Paid 0.00 $
Biz model: Service provider
Biz Scope: Flight Training, Aviation Services
Major Biz:
Aviation school Aviation Service
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