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Tomorrow’s Aeronautical Museum

Flight Training

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We are a living classroom in South Los Angeles bringing aviation history to life and empowering the dreams of youth to take flight.

When we started Tomorrow’s Aeronautical Museum or ‘TAM’ for short, our purpose was simple: teach inner city kids about flying, support their academic achievement, and instill in them the importance of their education.

Although we do so much more now, at our core, this purpose remains the same. We use aviation enrichment as a catalyst to inspire, motivate, and change young minds, while on the ground, we support student academic achievement through our partnerships with area schools, one-on-one tutoring, and college preparation.

When a youth joins TAM, they not only join a family, but become part of a cultivation process designed to empower them to excel in their personal, academic, and future professional lives.

We believe this is how you change a community for the better—by bettering the next generation. When all is said and done, we envision a place wher all community youth receive the support they need to graduate high school, go to college, and become future contributors in the fields of science, aeronautics, technology, and to the well-being of society.


Tomorrow’s Aeronautical Museum is a living classroom bringing aviation history to life and empowering the dreams of youth to take flight. Interactive exhibits explore racial diversity in the evolution of modern flight, while our dynamic nonprofit flight academy and after-school programs offer STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) enrichment as a compelling alternative to drugs, gangs, violence and other self-destructive activities.


We envision healthy communities wher all youth receive the support they need to graduate high school, go to college, give back to their communities, and become future contributors in the fields of science, aeronautics, and technology.

Company Profile
Name: Tomorrow’s Aeronautical Museum Type: Enterprise unit (Service provider)
Location: USA Size:
Capital: Not filled Date:
Deposit: Paid 0.00 $
Biz model: Service provider
Biz Scope: Flight Training
Major Biz:
Aviation school
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