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Trtoagency Ltd

PPL - Private Pilot Licence, Night Rating, CPL - Commercial Pilot Licence, Fl...

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Welcome to TRTOAgency

an important business partner for airlines industry


The pilot Training TRTOAgency was founded on April, 2009 under the initiative of a aviation group of very experienced captains, havin the sole objective of favoring the development of value added services for the aviation. The company began its activity on pilots training and after few months started to develop ACMI services for Airlines.

Our mission: fly professionally

The company's focus is on the needs of its customers. TRTOAgency’s aim is to be the best aviation service provider in Europe, measured in terms of service level, quality and price combined. Impartial quality checks are carried out continuously to monitor that our aviation services and training centers always live up to our high quality standards.

Training Experience: how to become pilot

All our crews are very experienced with at least 15 years in Alitalia Airlines. and our experience in airline job give us the quality and the know how to serve airlines to the highest aviation levels.

Training Pilots responsibly

TRTOagency is an important business partner for airlines industry, we can offer the best way to develop airlines services.

Company Profile
Name: Trtoagency Ltd Type: Enterprise unit ()
Location: Greece Size:
Capital: Not filled Date:
Deposit: Paid 0.00 $
Biz Scope: PPL - Private Pilot Licence, Night Rating, CPL - Commercial Pilot Licence, Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating, Multi Engine Rating, Multi Engine IFR/IR, Multi Engine Sim Training, Aerobatic Training, Co-Pilot Line Training, Type Rating(s): A320, A3
Major Biz:
Aviation school
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