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Vier im Pott

Flight Simulator Products, Home Cockpit Parts

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"I want to become an airline pilot!"

In my youth this answer I have given on the question of what I would later learn as a profession. Until I read a story, that a fully loaded jumbo jet was accidentally caught in a fog of ash with all four engines failed simultaneously.

The captain brought the machine gliding out of the cloud and the flight engineer started all four engines again. The machine was slightly damaged, but one was injured. I realized that I rather did not want to be a real pilot .

In the following years I spent the nights in front of the PC - flying with the Flight Simulator. Then my job, marriage, children got into my focus and the time for a hobby was no longer available.

But in retirement I wanted to build a really cool simulator...

Well, but as always. An idea starts to become independent in itself and sometime one wonders on what you are actually waiting for? Together with a friend in Dresden, we are now building our own A320 Home cockpit for several years. Someone told us that we obviously have more fun building as the actual flying. Probably not so wrong...

Anyway. The requirements to our own solution has increased steadily in recent years. However, the parts which are available on the market are either unsuitable in quality or detail or simply too focussed on commercial production. For our own simulator, we wanted to shift the relationship between compromise and realism into right direction. One direction which is initially free of commercial constraints.

Eventually we had the realization that the self-constructed components for our own simulator are relatively easy to produce multiple times with only a little extra effort.

And voila - here we are today!
[Detailed introduction]
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