Malta's Merillair prepares for certification

Increase font  Decrease font Release Date:2021-12-30  Author:Justine  Views:45734
Tips:The Indonesian civil aviation authority (Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara - DJPU) has outlined its requirements for the resumption of B737 MAX operations in the country.

The Indonesian civil aviation authority (Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara - DJPU) has outlined its requirements for the resumption of B737 MAX operations in the country.

This was contained in an airworthiness directive issued on December 17, 2021, which became effective four days later. On December 27, Director General Novie Riyanto R. sent a separate letter to Garuda Indonesia and Lion Air informing them of the new procedures wherin they are required to install new software and hardware, and updat their training manuals in line with US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommendations issued over a year ago. In fact, the whole of the DJPU's technical explanation is a near verbatim copy of the FAA directive from November 2020.

The decision affects mostly Lion Air which has nine parked B737-8s and a further 186 B737-8s, one B737-9, and fifty B737-10s on order from Boeing. Some of its unfilled commitments are expected to deliver to fellow Lion Air Group subsidiaries Thai Lion Air and Malindo Air. In turn, Garuda Indonesia has...


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