Part Sales/Exchange/Loan Support
With our expert staff and comprehensive inventory, we are ready to serve you for any of your component and consumable sale, loan or exchange needs. Our aim is to fulfill all customer requests in the shortest time.
Part Sales/Exchange/Loan Support
With our expert staff and comprehensive inventory, we are ready to serve you for any of your component and consumable sale, loan or exchange needs. Our aim is to fulfill all customer requests in the shortest time.
Hangar Space Support
We manage hangar space of over 90,000 square meter in Istanbul Ataturk Airport and Ankara Esenboga Airport. Contact us with your urgent short-term hangar storage needs.
On-site Support
Knowing very well the commercial impact of grounding of an aircraft for airline operators, TURKISH TECHNIC aims at offering quick, flexible and economic solutions to the customer.
During diffucult times our aim is to get the aircraft back in operation in the shortest time possible by supporting material, equipment, tools, technicians and engineering.
Logistic Support
We deliver your requested sale, exchange or loan basis part wher ever it is required, in the shortest possible time.