A pilot program for comprehensive reform of Aviation resources in Shenzhen(2)

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Tips:Policies will improve the system and mechanism for market-based allocation of factors. Policies will create a market-oriented and law-based international business environment

A pilot program for comprehensive reform of Aviation resources in Shenzhen(2)

Second, we will improve the system and mechanism for market-based allocation of factors

4. Supporting further exploration of the land management system. To entrust the Shenzhen Municipal Government with the approval of the conversion of agricultural land other than permanent basic farmland, which may be authorized by the State Council, to construction land. We will support the promotion of mixed use of land for secondary and tertiary industries on the premise that it meets the requirements of land space planning. We will support efforts to put existing industrial land to good use, and explore ways to solve problems related to planning adjustments, land supply, revenue distribution, and land left over from history. We will explore a market-based mechanism for using existing construction land for development and construction, and improve the mechanism for recovering the right to the use of idle land. We will deepen reform of the rural land system in the Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone and other regions. We will support the development of a natural resource asset trading market based on public resource trading platforms, and improve the land market service and supervision system that links the primary and secondary markets. Pilot implementation of the land secondary market notice registration transfer system.

5. Improving the system of labor mobility suited to the characteristics of megacities. We will deepen reform of the household registration system and adjust and improve the points-based policy on household registration. We will improve the residence permit system, encourage more public services to be provided and raise service standards in light of actual conditions, and steadily expand the coverage of basic public services to all permanent residents. We will allow the exploration of a special man-hour management system that meets the development needs of new technologies, new forms of business, new industries and new models.

(6) We will support efforts to develop the capital market first. We will promote the reform of the GROWTH Enterprise Market and pilot the registration system, and pilot innovative enterprises to issue shares or depository receipts (CDR) in China. The mechanism of transferring listed companies on the New Third Board to the market shall be established. We will improve the market access environment for private equity funds. We will explore ways to improve the market access and development environment for venture capital enterprises. We will carry out trials of real estate investment trusts in the field of infrastructure in accordance with laws and regulations. A fintech innovation platform was set up on the basis of the Institute of Digital Currency of the People's Bank of China in Shenzhen. We will support the launch of a closed pilot test of the digital RMB, and promote the development and application of the digital RMB and international cooperation.

7. Accelerating the improvement of relevant systems for the transformation of technological achievements. We will reform the way scientific research projects are set up and organized, and establish mechanisms for selecing, allocating funds and evaluating results for scientific and technological projects that are mainly determined by the market. We will deepen reform of the right to use, dispose of, and earn scientific and technological achievements, and explore ways to grant scientific and technological achievements to researchers with ownership or long-term use rights, evaluation of achievements, and distribution of benefits. We will explore mechanisms for transferring patent rights for government-funded scientific and technological achievements to inventors or designers and small and medium-sized enterprises, and improve mechanisms for distributing benefits fro the transformation of scientific research achievements of state-owned enterprises. We will improve the public trading and regulatory system for transforming technological achievements.

8. Accelerating the cultivation of data factor market. We will take the lead in improving the data property rights system, explore new mechanisms for protecting and utilizing data property rights, and establish a data privacy protection system. We will carry out trials to make government data open for sharing. We will support the construction of a data platform for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and study and demonstrate the establishment of data trading markets or the development of data trading relying on existing trading venues. We will carry out trials of statistical accounting of data production factors.

Improve the contribution mechanism of factor market evaluation. We will take the lead in exploring ways to improve the mechanism wherby factors of production are assessed by the market and remunerate according to their contribution, and increase the remuneration of workers, especially those at the front line. We should fully respect scientific research, technology and management talents, and explore ways to realize the value of technology, knowledge, management and data. Deepening regional governing state comprehensive reform experiment, support to establish and perfect the laws of market economy and the growth of entrepreneurs of state-owned enterprise leading personnel management mechanism, to explore match the enterprise market position and performance, and the assessment results closely linked, incremental performance determine the incremental incentive compensation allocation and long-term incentive constraint mechanism.

Third, we will create a market-oriented and law-based international business environment

10. Further improving a fair and open market environment. On the basis of the unified negative list for market access, we have drawn up a list of special measures for shenzhen to relax market access and relax market access in the fields of energy, telecommunications, public utilities, transportation and education. We will further relax restrictions on foreign investment in frontier technology fields. We will support efforts to improve the system of fair competition. We will improve the examination and approval mechanism for operating postal and communications services. Pilot energy sector licensing and approval notification commitment system. We will promote comprehensive reform of the bankruptcy system and mechanism, try out the bankruptcy pre-reorganization system, and improve the bankruptcy system for natural persons.

11. Build a benchmark city for ipr protection. We will carry out trials of a new type of legal protection for intellectual property rights, improve the system for protecting the property rights and interests of digital intellectual property rights such as Internet information, explore ways to establish and improve rules for the disclosure of evidence, exclusion of evidence hinderance, and superior evidence, and establish a system of punitive damages for intellectual property rights infringement. We will explore ways to transfer the burden of proof in some intellectual property cases. We will implement credit-based classification supervision in the field of intellectual property rights.

12. Improving the administrative system and the legislation of special economic zones. In accordance with the procedures, Shenzhen will be granted greater autonomy in the management of cadres and institutions and the overall use of various staffing resources. We will explore ways to improve the mechanism for resolving administrative disputes in multiple ways, and improve the mechanism for linking administrative reconsideration with administrative litigation. We will support Shenzhen in expanding the legislative space for special economic zones, strengthen legislative exploration in emerging areas, and formulate laws and regulations for special economic zones in accordance with the law.


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