GDU 1054, 10” primary flight display, three axis flight dynamics, air speed, altitude, VS, HSI w / perspective modes
GDU 1054, 10” multi function display GDC 72 integrated digital air data computer, constant display of TAS, CAS, wind direction, VSI and TAT
GRS 79 solid-state attitude and heading reference system
metallic paint upgrade - base and stripes
New Ultra paint schemes
Redundant dual DC electrical bus including dual alternators and batteries
AmSafe airbag seat belts for pilot & copilot
Bose headsets series A20 - pilot & copilot
Installation of four hotwire plugs for Bose: pilot, copilot & passengers
Tinted aft windows
Freon air conditioning
Dual GIA63W, WAAS integrated radio modules with IFR approved GPS, VHF navigation with ILS and VHF communication with 16-watt 8.33-kHz
GMA 1347 digital audio controller with integrated marker beacon
GTX 33ES integrated Mode S Transponder with TIS (ADS-B OUT)
GEA 71 airframe / engine interface unit
GMU 44 magnetometer
Garmin “Smart Pad” keypad integrated to the G1000 ARTEX ME406 ELT
Mid-Continent MD302 allin-one electronic stand-by instrument with independent internal battery back-up
Garmin Vertical NAV (Coupled VNAV) enroute and approach
Garmin MFD Charts SafeTaxi (1stYear Subscription)
Garmin GDL 69A, XM radio & XM weather (1st year subscription)
Garmin terrain warning system
Synthetic Vision Technology (SVT)
Garmin GFC700 fully integrated autopilot with flight director
1.5” rudder pedal extensions
Oxygen system (77.1 cubic foot) w/four masks
Xenon landing & taxi lights
Second alternator stand-by, dual bus system
Fuel capacity- 89 USG useable standard
Additional long range ( 11 USG) included
Precise flight speed brakes
Factory transition training (pilot only)