TeKnol Ltd. is an independent, privately held company headquartered in Moscow, Russia. It was founded in 2003 by a group of scientists, engineers and investors with the goal of commercializing analytic sensor fusion algorithms technology developed, tested and refined by the key members of the group over several years.
The backbone of the company is a research group of prof. Oleg Salychev, formerly employed in the Moscow State Technical University n.a. Bauman (www.bmstu.ru). The group was engaged in the development of inertial navigation systems software/hardware both gimbal and strapdown implementations. With GPS became available, the group was involved in INS/GPS integration projects for both private and governmental customers. By the time of TeKnol founding prof. Salychev’s group had fulfilled a number of R&D projects for such companies as:
Daimler-Chrysler, USA (Low cost IMU/GPS integration)
Daewoo Heavy Industries, Korea (Inertial System for Land Navigation)
Samsung Electronics (low cost inertial system for automotive)
Newmont Mining Co., USA (Airborne Gravimetry System)
University of Calgary, Dept. of Geomatics Engineering (Land Inertial Survey System)
By 2006 TeKnol became an innovative navigation, inertial reference and air data sensor integration technology firm, engaged in development, design, manufacturing, marketing, sales and support of compact low-cost GNSS-aided inertial navigation systems (INS) for aviation, land and industrial applications.
We not only bring to the market our innovative end-user products, which enable real-time vehicle positioning, heading, attitude and acceleration determination, but offer customized INS and smart sensor solutions for third-party integration.
All our products are commercially available, maintenance free, industrially made with standard quality control and customer-friendly warranty policy. We provide our customers with long-term support.